As Humanity evolves, how do we prioritize our relationship to the more-than-human world?


Forest therapy is a guided immersive experience. The 2 1/2 to 3 hour walk slows us down and allows us to drop into our senses while being guided in a series of invitations and reflections. Being witnessed in our authentic connection to ourselves and the Earth is not only healing but essential for cultural repair in our modern society.

Health benefits:

Japanese scientists have been studying the health benefits of Shinrin Yoku, known in the USA as forest bathing/forest therapy, since the 1980's. They have found that this practice reduces stress hormone production, improves feelings of wellbeing, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, as well as boosts the immune system and recovery time from illness.

Why it’s important:

Forest therapy or Shinrin Yoku invites us to root into the more-than-human world as it bridges the falsely constructed notion of our separateness. It gives us a doorway into the deeply magical practice of connection through liminal space while actively healing us. Combining Forest Therapy with astrology gives us a holistic meeting point between the cosmos and earthly realms.

 To book a forest therapy individual or group session, please email Rebecca at