How can we root down mythic stories in modern language to better understand ourselves and the lives we live?


Astrology is a language that empowers us to be conscious co-creators in tracking the seasons of our lives and understanding our unique gifts and growth edges. Engaging with the cycles of the planets and our personal birth chart helps create a dialogue for growth and self acceptance.

In 2014 I took my first astrology course with Debra Silverman. After a pause, I spent 1.5 years in an apprenticeship program with astrologer Adam Sommer and received my professional astrologer certification. I am currently under active mentorship from Holistic Astrologer Cameron Allen.

Hygeia is a Goddess who brings wisdom to her daughters and teaches us how to heal ourselves.


"I am so grateful to have experienced a reading with Becca. She is both earthy and mystical as she grounds and weaves story, held in the stars, in a way that resonates and offers insight into our earthbound experience. She is skillful and poetic, her presence, rooted and magical.”

-Karey, Washington.


To learn more about Forest Therapy and how this Japanese practice informs my astrological work below: